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Tarsal Tunnel Syndromes
The posterior tibial nerves runs along the back of the calf, through a fibrous canal near the heel and into the sole of the foot.When the tissue around this nerves become inflamed , they can press on the nerves causing pain in the ankle, foot and toes.
Main symptoms:-
- Burning or tingling pain occurring around ankle and extending to the toes.
- The pain worsen during walking.
- The pain is relieved by rest .
- occasionally, pain also occurs during rest.
- The pain may occur when the person stands, walks or wear a particular types of shoes.
- Tapping the compressed area causes tingling, which may extend to the heel, arch or toes..
Acupressure treatment: GB 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, St 41, UB 60 seduce..
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