Acupressure points for Wrist Pain ….

Left hand - yin side Left hand - Yang side Right hand - yin side Right hand - Yand side

  1. Pain in the radial side of the wrist, in the area of the large intestine meridian.

Treatment: Li4, 5, Tw 5, Lu 9, St 41↓ all

2. Pain in the ulnar side of wrist, in the area of the small intestine meridian.

Treatment: Li 5, Si 3, Tw 5, UB 62↓ all

3.Radio ulna joint sprain. Due to wrist injury, there is weakness and pain on roatating the wrist and the knob of the radio.

Treatment: Li 4, Tw 4, P 7, H 7↓

4. Wrist injury, sprain, tenosynovitis.

Treatments: Li 4, 5, P 6, 7, Tw 4, 5, Lu 9↓

5. Carpal tunnel syndrome (Compression of the median nerve of wrist)

Treatment: P 6, 7, 8, Lu 5, H 3, 8 ↓

6.Pain in back of wrist :           Li 10↓

7.Wrist Pain :           Li 5, Tw 4, 5, Lu 7, 9↓

Add fire compression of median nerve            :           P 6, 7↓

Add for wrist drop                                           :           Si 6↓

8.Wrist drop :           Li 4, 5, 11, Si 8, Tw 5↑all

Add : Important points for extensor               :           Li 10↑

Add : Important points for muscles and   Tendons         :           GB 34 ↑

Add : Important points for numbness  of hand   :           Lu 9↑

Add : Important points for finger drop           :           Tw 5, 6, 7↑

9.Aching of wrist :           Tw 2, 3, Si 5↓

10.Lack of strength in wrist :           Si 4, Lu 7↑

11. Wrist arthritis :           Tw 3, 4, Si 4↑

12. Wrist pain :           Li 5, 11, si, 4, 6↓

13. Exhausted wrist :           Lu 7↑

14. Stenosing tenosynovitis of the radial Styloid process      :           Lu 7, Li 4, 5↓

15.Radial aspect of wrist painful and immoble :           Li 5↓

16. Weakness of palmer flexion of wrist :           P 4, 5, Lu 6↑

17. Weakness of dorsal flexion of wrist (wrist drop)        :           Li 10, 9, 6, Tw 5, 6↑

18. Radial nerve paralysis :           Li 5, 11, Jinghi (Ex) ↑

19. Medial nerve paralysis :           P 6, 7↑

20. Ulnar nerve paralysis :           Si 7, 8↑

21.Neuralgia in wrist and fingers :           Si 10, 11↓

22. Stiffness in wrist :           Si 10, 11, 15, Li, 16, Tw 15↓

23.Sprain of wrist :           Tw 4, 5↓

24. Wrist drop :           Si 6, Li 4, Tw 4, 5, 9↑

25. Pain in the wrist without swelling :           Tw 3, 4, 5, Si 5, Li 4, 5, Lu 9, 7↓

26. Polyneuritis of wrist :           Tw 5, P 7, Li 4, Si 3

27. Motor point to extend, abduct the

28. wrist joint                                                        :           Lu 10↑

29. Shaking wrist :           Li 11, P 5, H 3, 8↑

30. Flaccid wrist :           Lu 5, Li 11, $↑

31. Contracture of wrist :           P 7↓






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 BYOL Magnet .Lack of strength in wrist, Acupressure points for Wrist Pain, Exhausted wrist, Radial nerve paralysis :, Wrist arthritis, Wrist pain

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