Murcha Pranayama
“Murcha” means “fainting” or “swooning breath” in which the breath is inhaled slowly and retained for an extended period.
- Sit as usual in a comfortable position with the head, neck and spine straight.
- Concentrate the conscious mind between the eyebrows, which is called the center of intuition.
- Inhale gradually and deeply through the mouth.
- Let the conscious mind merge into the center of intuition.
- Touch the chin tightly to the throat cavity
- Relax the jalandhara bandha.
- Then exhale slowly.
- This creates a favorable experience, so it is called Moorcha Pranayama.
- Begin with nine times and increase with time up to fifteen minutes.
- This exercise promotes happiness of mind, achievement of bliss and removes lustiness.
- Mind and body becomes very light.
- Body fats are removed.
- Headache and weakness of muscles are cured.
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