Sheetkari Pranayama
“Sheetkari Pranayama” – a breathing technique which involves hissing leading to a cooling effect upon the whole body.
- Sit upright in a comfortable posture, keeping the head, neck, and spine erect.
- Close the eyes and relax the whole body.
- Place the hands in Gyana Mudra.
- Open the lips and keep the teeth together.
- Hold the teeth together.
- Separate the lips, exposing the teeth.
- The tongue may be kept flat or folded against the roof of the mouth (khechari mudra)
- Inhale through the teeth over the tongue with a kind of hissing sound like the sound of the letter ‘s’.
- After filling the lungs completely, close the mouth and exhale through both nostrils without retention.
- Repeat five to ten times.
- Sheetkari pranayama improves disposition, relieves hunger and thirst.
- It also cools the body down.
- It is highly recommended during a fast or to help endure very hot weather.
- By the practice of Sheetkari pranayama body temperature is decreased and comes to normality.
- Practitioner becomes strong and beautiful.
- It clears the complexion.
- In order to be sure that the tongue remains moist, roll it back as far as possible against the palate.
- Do not do this in winter season.
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