Acupressure points for Neck pain

Left hand - yin side Left hand - Yang side Right hand - yin side Right hand - Yand side

To find the points you can use the BYOL chart given above. Treatment can be given by Byol magnets. If magnets are not available press on acupressure point given in the chart with your finger for few minute and obtain the relief.


Pain in the neck medially in the area of urinary bladder meridian:-

Treatment :- UB10, 11, 12, 13 Si 3, 6,11, UB 60 seduce

Add:- If there is coldness and the pain increases with cpld apply hot water bottle.

Add:- If there is humidity causing swelling in the neck treat Si 3, UB 65 seduce.

Add:- If there is wind causing the pain to move from place to place treat GB 20 seduce.

Add:- If there is heat causing the pain aggravated with the heat, treat Si 2, UB 62 seduce .
Pain in the neck laterally in the area of the gall bladder and triple warmer meridian

Treatment :- Tw 5, 14, GB 20, 21, 39 seduce

Add:- If there is coldness and the pain increases with cold apply hot water bottle.

Add:- If there is humidity causing swelling in the neck treat  GB 41, TW 3  seduce

Add:- If there is wind causing the pain to move from place to place treat GB 20 seduce.

Add:- If there is heat causing the pain aggravated with the heat, treat  Tw2 seduce .


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